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Ziron Guru
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Posts: 199
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[1590] - posted: 2015-02-02 18:22:35
The problem is that it is not mandatory to write al = (which many people do not)
I may suggest just display warning in this case. !Function return value which going in nowhere!

This is also valid
It very good smile Then i can a bit rewrite these subroutines.
Ziron Guru
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Posts: 199
Topics: 37

[1591] - posted: 2015-02-02 18:29:21
About this Code:
IsDigit(..       // no flag
Let returned value goto in register. And i think that need to show warning.
Ziron Guru
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Posts: 199
Topics: 37

[1592] - posted: 2015-02-02 18:35:54
We make distinguish between procedures and functions.
And also we can make distinguish between functions that returned in eax and functions that returned in flags. As far as i know it is possible to distinguish functions by type(i.e. dword, int32, etc.) Maybe also need for flags? Why not smile
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OverHertz Studio
[1593] - posted: 2015-02-02 19:50:25
I am currently playing around with the following:

$_operand is passed as a macro variable which provides the assignment operand (if any and nil if none)

inline function IsDigitTest($symbol) {
  gp_ax = 0;
  al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_REGISTER:
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax];
    al &= CHAR_DIGIT;    
    $res = gp_ax;
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], CHAR_DIGIT;
    $res = ZF;
  $return $res;

gp_ax = IsDigitTest(ord('1'));
if (gp_ax == true) {
  println('IS digit');

if (IsDigitTest(ord('2')) == true) {
  println('IS digit');

zf = IsDigitTest(ord('a'));
if (zf == true) {
  println('IS digit!');

Works as expected, but I will need to work on this a little more.

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Ziron Guru
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Posts: 199
Topics: 37

[1603] - posted: 2015-02-03 14:40:53
Can i start to rewrite as you posted above in [1593]?
And is it possible to keep old function names? i.e. IsDigit, IsLetter, etc... But not IsDigitTest, IsLetterTest, etc...
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OverHertz Studio
[1606] - posted: 2015-02-03 16:36:02
Yes you can start to rewrite as above but:

Open ziron.zir and add these 2 defines (i forgot to add them)

#define TOKEN_FLAG = 302;
#define TOKEN_EFLAG = 303;

and then I would suggest to make the macros something like so:

inline function IsDigit($symbol) {
  gp_ax = 0;
  al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], CHAR_DIGIT;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax];
    al &= CHAR_DIGIT;    
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

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Posts: 933
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OverHertz Studio
[1607] - posted: 2015-02-03 16:36:02
Yes you can start to rewrite as above but:

Open ziron.zir and add these 2 defines (i forgot to add them)

#define TOKEN_FLAG 302;
#define TOKEN_EFLAG 303;

and then I would suggest to make the macros something like so:

inline function IsDigit($symbol) {
  gp_ax = 0;
  al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], CHAR_DIGIT;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax];
    al &= CHAR_DIGIT;    
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

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Ziron Guru
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Posts: 199
Topics: 37

[1614] - posted: 2015-02-03 21:02:35
Maybe i do something a bit wrong.
Currently 'charclass.zir' is:
/    Character classification routines (charclass.zir)
/    Copyright (c) 0CodErr, KolibriOS team
const CHAR_DIGIT              = 1 << 0; // 1b      ; 0 bit
const CHAR_UPPER              = 1 << 1; // 10b     ; 1 bit
const CHAR_LOWER              = 1 << 2; // 100b    ; 2 bit
const CHAR_CONTROL            = 1 << 3; // 1000b   ; 3 bit
const CHAR_WHITESPACE         = 1 << 4; // 10000b  ; 4 bit
const CHAR_PUNCT              = 1 << 5; // 100000b ; 5 bit
const CHAR_LETTER             = CHAR_LOWER | CHAR_UPPER;

char CHAR_TABLE[256] = [
  // 0..15
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 00 (NUL)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 01 (SOH)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 02 (STX)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 03 (ETX)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 04 (EOT)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 05 (ENQ)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 06 (ACK)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 07 (BEL)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 08 (BS)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 0E (SI)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 0F (SO)
  // 16..31
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 10 (DLE)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 11 (DC1)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 12 (DC2)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 13 (DC3)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 14 (DC4)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 15 (NAK)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 16 (SYN)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 17 (ETB)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 18 (CAN)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 19 (EM)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1A (SUB)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1B (ESC)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1C (FS)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1D (GS)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1E (RS)
  CHAR_CONTROL,            // 1F (US)
  // 32..47
  CHAR_WHITESPACE,         // 20 SPACE
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 21 !
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 22 "
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 23 #
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 24 $
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 25 %
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 26 &
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 27 '
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 28 (
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 29 )
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2A *
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2B +
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2C ,
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2D -
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2E .
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 2F /
  // 48..63
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 30 0
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 31 1
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 32 2
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 33 3
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 34 4
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 35 5
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 36 6
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 37 7
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 38 8
  CHAR_DIGIT,              // 39 9
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3A :
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3B ;
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3C <
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3D =
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3E >
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 3F ?
  // 64..79
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 40 @
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 41 A
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 42 B
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 43 C
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 44 D
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 45 E
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 46 F
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 47 G
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 48 H
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 49 I
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4A J
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4B K
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4C L
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4D M
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4E N
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 4F O
  // 80..95
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 50 P
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 51 Q
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 52 R
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 53 S
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 54 T
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 55 U
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 56 V
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 57 W
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 58 X
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 59 Y
  CHAR_UPPER,              // 5A Z
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 5B [
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 5C \
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 5D ]
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 5E ^
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 5F _
  // 96..111
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 60 `
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 61 a
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 62 b
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 63 c
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 64 d
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 65 e
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 66 f
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 67 g
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 68 h
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 69 i
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6A j
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6B k
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6C l
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6D m
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6E n
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 6F o
  // 112..127
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 70 p
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 71 q
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 72 r
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 73 s
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 74 t
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 75 u
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 76 v
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 77 w
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 78 x
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 79 y
  CHAR_LOWER,              // 7A z
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 7B {
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 7C |
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 7D }
  CHAR_PUNCT,              // 7E ~
  CHAR_CONTROL             // 7F (DEL)

inline function IsDigit($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_DIGIT; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsLetter($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_LETTER; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsUpper($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_UPPER; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsLower($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_LOWER; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsControl($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_CONTROL; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsWhiteSpace($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_WHITESPACE; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function IsPunct($symbol) {
  $C = CHAR_PUNCT; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

inline function GetCharType($symbol) {
  gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax];
  $return gp_ax;

I have added as you said in 'ziron.zir':
// token types used internally by Ziron Assembler
#define TOKEN_EOF 2;
#define TOKEN_SYM 3;
#define TOKEN_IDENT 100;
#define TOKEN_NUMBER 200;
#define TOKEN_FLOAT 201;
#define TOKEN_SEGMENT 204;
#define TOKEN_REGISTER 205;
#define TOKEN_ST 206;
#define TOKEN_XMM 207;
#define TOKEN_BASEEXP 210;
#define TOKEN_FLAG 302;
#define TOKEN_EFLAG 303;

This is for test:
 program RAW_IMAGE 'test';

#set bits 32;

#include 'charclass.zir';

byte b1; 

b1 = IsDigit(ord('5'));

If (IsDigit(ord('5')) == true) {};

Part of result:
00000000  33C0              xor eax,eax
00000002  B035              mov al,0x35
00000004  8A8021000000      mov al,[eax+0x21]
0000000A  2401              and al,0x1
0000000C  A321010000        mov [0x121],eax
00000011  33C0              xor eax,eax
00000013  B035              mov al,0x35
00000015  8A8021000000      mov al,[eax+0x21]
0000001B  2401              and al,0x1
0000001D  85C0              test eax,eax
0000001F  7400              jz 0x21

When i added $echo: Code:
inline function IsDigit($symbol) {

  $echo tokentype($_operand);               // <<<<<<<<<<<
  $C = CHAR_DIGIT; gp_ax = 0; al = $symbol;
  $if tokentype($_operand) == TOKEN_FLAG:
    test CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax], $C;
    $res = ZF;
    al = CHAR_TABLE[gp_ax]; al &= $C;
    $res = gp_ax;
  $return $res;

Result was:

** **
** Ziron Assembler **
** Copyright (c) 2011-2015, OverHertz Ltd **
** **
PlugSys: Ziron Linker plugin was loaded!
PlugSys: Emit plugin was loaded!
Compile OK - 1290 lines, 4 files, 0,0181 second(s)
PlugSys: Building Raw Image!
Link OK - 0,0014 second(s)
Build Complete - 0,0194 second(s)
Press the [enter] key to exit.
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